Unlimited search within our verified network of premium influencers
Advanced search filters (gender, geopgraphy, industry, audience demographic, performance, past cooperations, etc.)
Influencer list management
Take notes on influencer profile level
Daily AI-powered influencer recommendations
Realtime chat with influencers on web and mobile
Create and manage cooperations with individual influencers
Create and manage campaigns with multiple influencers
Negotiate cooperation proposals with influencers
Detailed history of influencer cooperation activities
Rating system for influencer cooperations
Campaign and Cooperation export
Smart pricing suggestions
Priority customer support
Integrate your product inventory
Product sample seeding to influencers
Connect your Shop System* for automated inventory sync and sample order management
Performance based influencer compensation
No platform fee on cooperation payments
Customisable brand ambassador program
Discount codes and sales tracking
Automated calculation of sales commissions
Fully customisable to your business requirements and processes
Apply your corporate identity (logos, colors, fonts)
Custom login and signup page
Configure additional channels
Rollout to additional countries as required
Multi-language capabilities
Private influencer database
Dedicated customer success manager