On the linkr menu item "Discover" you create your own proposal for a cooperation with a specific influencer. How? Just click on the "Send Proposal" button here to start the request:
Then just follow the steps in the form:
1. What cooperation target do you have in mind?
- Content only
- Generate engagement on content
- Generate followers
- Generate reach
- Generate views
- Generate website visits
2. What content would you like to be delivered by the influencer?
Choose either one or a mixture of content deliveries
- e.g. 1 Instagram Post and 2 Instastories
3. What content requirements do you have?
- In what language should the posting be (English, German or Dutch)
- What conent level is required
- Should this cooperation be exclusive or non-exclusive
4. Would you like to give away samples to the influencer?
- No samples or
- Yes, I want to send samples: Choose your sample selection from the list after clicking this option:
5. Additional influencer cash compensation on top?
This comes on top of any selected samples. You can either use our calculation tool in there or set your own price suggestion:
6. Additional influencer commission payment on top?
You can choose between:
- no influncer commission payments or
- enable influencer commision payments:
- How do commission payments work?
- For cooperations with commission payments, you can set a sales commission percentage for the influencer. For each referred sale, the Influencer will earn the defined commission percentage. We track this via a personalised discount code, which we automatically create for each Influencer individually. These codes will be auto-created in your e-commerce store, as soon as you accept the cooperation with a specific influencer. For each code, you can define a discount percentage. We will auto-track code redemptions, and calculate the sales commission for each Influencer for you. You can also pay-out sales commission to Influencer directly via the platform.
- For cooperations with commission payments, you can set a sales commission percentage for the influencer. For each referred sale, the Influencer will earn the defined commission percentage. We track this via a personalised discount code, which we automatically create for each Influencer individually. These codes will be auto-created in your e-commerce store, as soon as you accept the cooperation with a specific influencer. For each code, you can define a discount percentage. We will auto-track code redemptions, and calculate the sales commission for each Influencer for you. You can also pay-out sales commission to Influencer directly via the platform.
- How do commission payments work?
7. When should the influencer content be published?
Just set the dates when the post or posts should be published by the influencer on social media. It can be one day or a timeline: let´s say from 27th to 30th of April 2023. Within that time the influencer then knows that the post has to go online on their social channel.
8. What is the influencer briefing?
- Give your proposal a headline
- Press the “Generate Proposal” button on the right hand side to automatically fill out the briefing. Please describe what you're requesting form the influencerin Or
- You can fill out the form all by yourself
9. What would you like to say about your brand?
introduce yourself / your brand
Please don´t forget to SAVE and/or click SEND PROPOSAL to the influencer once you are done. Once you have sent the proposal to the influencer, your proposal will sit under “Cooperations” > “Manage” at the very top of the list. The influencer will get a notification of your proposal and will give feedback (accept or decline) within days.