The #1 agency IRM

Influencer Relationship Management (IRM), it's not just a tool - it's a complete game-changer.

linkr combines sophisticated technology with an intuitive user interface to streamline every aspect of influencer marketing. Forget about juggling multiple apps and spreadsheets. With our platform, you have everything you need in one central hub: influencer discovery, relationship management, campaign tracking, and comprehensive analytics.

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Trusted by thousands of brands

Martini Sportswear
Rainforest Company
Find influencers

Smart Influencer Discovery

Our influencer discovery tool uses AI-powered algorithms to help you find the perfect influencers that align with your brand ethos and campaign objectives. Plus, our relationship management feature allows you to manage your influencers as easily as you manage your emails.

Organize your influencers, maintain direct communication, and oversee collaborations all within our platform.

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Campaign generation and tracking

linkr enables you to deliver the best campaigns

Leverage AI to create the perfect campaigns, based on your clients and the influencers you want to work with.

When it comes to campaign tracking, we've got you covered. Keep your finger on the pulse of your campaigns with insights into performance metrics, including reach, engagement, and conversions. Use these insights to optimize your strategies and ensure your campaigns are delivering the desired impact.

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Platform Features

All the features you'll ever need to centrally manage your clients

Get a demo

Want to see linkr in action?

We're happy to show you the platform in detail. Simply book a personal demo session or try our self-guided demo.

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Agency beta program

limited seats available

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